Vinayak Desai

As advocated by Stephen R Covey, ‘Sharpening the Saw’, i. e continually renewing yourself, your tools, techniques is one of the seven habits of highly effective people, which is mostly overlooked or underestimated by others. In fact the most important tool we use every day, almost non- stop in business meetings, presentations, interviews, is ‘our voice’. But we often neglect it or think that it cannot be improved. I have further observed that it is not only Amitabh Bacchan or Ameen Sayani, but also many corporate executives, whose success is attributable to their voice. When this dawned on me, I came to Dr. Sadhana Nayak to better my voice. With her accurate analysis of my voice and personally administered exercise plan, I got my natural, better sounding voice in 6 weeks. And of course, a better job too, with more authority and responsibility.

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